My Nails Keep Falling Off
My Nails Keep Falling Off. No nail extension can ever be truly permanent, (and how boring would that be, anyway.) my finger nails keep liifting and come off on both hands I just noticed a few days ago it started on my toe nailsnails. Want to know how to stop your press on nails making a break for it the second you look away?

If your nail is partly detached, don't pull off the rest.
Nails that fall off because of fungal infection will grow back, but the new nail will probably become infected, similar to the old one.
Press-on nails are fabulous. until one of them pops off, that is! Once your toenail falls off, it can't reattach itself and keep growing. After the nail falls off, the first thing for you to do is to completely heal the infection or injury on the toe.
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