My Nail Is Falling Off What Should I Do
My Nail Is Falling Off What Should I Do. Make sure to closely trim the rest of your toenails. It's generally a slow process, the nail will first turn completely purple-blue then very gradually detach and fall off, and sometime in the process a new. i went swimming on a lake and i hit my toe real bad on a rock. but my nail is falling off. some of it is still clipped on. what should i do?? i put a band aid around it but it kept getting wet. and it kinda stunk. lol. should i put alcohol on it to disinfect it? or how do i keep it clean?

The authors have done their best to provide the most up to date evidence-based information, but this content should definitely not be considered any type of medical standard, and it definitely does not reflect individual.
You'll need to wait for the new nail to grow back in its place.
What should I do if I accidentally tear the nail completely off? We look at causes, recovery time, removing the nail, and when to see a doctor. Once your toenail falls off, it can't reattach itself and keep growing.
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