Barry M White Nail Art Pen. How pretty is this confetti effect by Barry m?? It is smaller than I expected as I thought the pictures made it look like a marker pen; however, the pen is good value having now been.
Barry M Nail Art Pens and Nail Design - Beautyshades (Lou Goodman) I first saw a similar feather effect by Nails inc a month or two ago. Having never tried nail art before, I didn't really know what to look for but this was highly recommended. Nailpolis is a community to showcase your nail art, share swatches, get inspiration for future creations, and participate in fun contests.
A wide variety of nail art pen white options are available to you, such as handle material, brush material, and packaging.
If you haven't, will you have a go?
Barry M Nail Art Pen Review & Demo - YouTube
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Topcoat- Barry M in Plumpy Topcoat. I first saw a similar feather effect by Nails inc a month or two ago. I layered the white over Barry M White, black over Barry M black, and pink over Barry M Dragon Fruit.
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